October 2, 2017

Cammisa Buerhaus PRIVATE LIVES | 11/25 – 12/9 | concerts by Andie Springer & James Moore and reading by David Zuckerman

Cammisa Buerhaus PRIVATE LIVES

PRIVATE LIVES (2016) is a hallucinatory film that explores the hyper-real life of the Clintons, their mythic proportions and amorphous, shape shifting tendencies. Buerhaus’ mimetic obsession with the political protagonists presents their monstrosity and refuses to propose an alternative. Instead her work commits to zoom into the darkness and the shadows of impossibility that the political characters represent. The film moves from the private correspondences of Hillary Clinton to the political legacy of William Jefferson Clinton.
PRIVATE LIVES (2016) is a hallucinatory film that explores the hyper-real life of the Clintons, their mythic proportions and amorphous, shape shifting tendencies. Buerhaus’ mimetic obsession with the political protagonists presents their monstrosity and refuses to propose an alternative. Instead her work commits to zoom into the darkness and the shadows of impossibility that the political characters represent. The film moves from the private correspondences of Hillary Clinton to the political legacy of William Jefferson Clinton.
PRIVATE LIVES (2016) is a hallucinatory film that explores the hyper-real life of the Clintons, their mythic proportions and amorphous, shape shifting tendencies. Buerhaus’ mimetic obsession with the political protagonists presents their monstrosity and refuses to propose an alternative. Instead her work commits to zoom into the darkness and the shadows of impossibility that the political characters represent. The film moves from the private correspondences of Hillary Clinton to the political legacy of William Jefferson Clinton.
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