
Modernisms are over as they are just another process of understanding time, which coined the western civilization and the 20th century. However to replace this model is truly difficult since the time-line is present in the entire labor-life structure.

Ύλη[matter]HYLE was initiated by the artist Georgia Sagri in 2015 with the aim to transform the artist studio format into a semi-public space and a place of social engagement, where the caring and the comfort that the privacy offers could be shared.

The physical manifestation of the space stands as an oikos (home) that gathers different modes of production and display. Its scale calls for small, concentrated exhibitions, screenings, gatherings and making time to learn from one another; enabling ways of living and thinking on art, politics and sciences.

It is a typical athenian apartment of a polikatikia (block of flats) building, located at a stoa (gallery passage), surrounded by the urban chaos of Omonoia Square in the heart of Athens.

‘Υλη[matter]HYLE exists without the funding of and association to private institutions, state organizations and the municipality of the city of Athens. It is an independent organism of people, animals, machines and ideas supported by donations and the personal efforts and engagement of its participants.

Through your financial support and personal donations ‘Υλη[matter]HYLE continues to exist.